Come ring with us!

Handbell rehearsals Thursdays, 6:00 PM, in the Music Office.

Questions or need more information? Contact Shelly Bitner at 812-882-2220, Ext. 733 or

The History of Handbell Ringing

Like many, I was not aware of the history of handbell ringing. It is widely agreed that modern handbell ringing started in 17th century England. Tower bell ringing called, “change ringing” was an art form in which 5 to 12 bells were rung in numerical sequence to form a melodic pattern. Many hours of practice by the bell ringers pulling on their ropes was not well-received by the villagers in the areas surrounding the bell towers. (Can you imagine the noise?) So, small bells were developed in order for the ringers to practice indoors (where it was warm, too!) and not disturb their neighbors.

Eventually, this type of bell ringing became its own art form. By the 20th century, bell ringing had begun to disappear, but after WW II, it once again made an appearance. Handbell ringing was eventually introduced to America—most likely in the late 1800s to early 1900s. Today, many handbell ensembles exist, bringing enjoyment to all who hear the beautiful sounds they create.

For a crazy, fun video featuring the professional handbell choir, Bells of the Sound, from Puget Sound, Washington, playing an arrangement of “Sabre Dance” by composer Aram Khachaturian, click on the image on the right. Enjoy!